Get Rid of Hemorrhoids - Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment

Many people today are trying to find a way to get rid of hemorrhoids.
This irritating condition causes symptoms such as burning, itching and bleeding and can be extremely painful. Hemorrhoids occur when the veins around your anus become swollen, often due to excessive staining.

What causes hemorrhoids?
1. Weak veins in the rectal area: this can be a result from pregnancy and obesity.
2. Bad eating habits: eating a lot of processed food and lack of fiber rich food like fruits, vegetables and beans.
 3. Excessive straining when trying to use the bathroom.
 4. Sitting for an extended period of time every day.
5. Poor circulatory system.
6. Severe constipation.
7. Pregnancy and childbirth.
8. Lifting heavy weights.
9. Being Obese.

How to cure them:
Herbs can play an important role not only in curing, but also in preventing hemorrhoids. There are many home remedies that can help you get rid of this problem:
 • Emu oil: apply on the affected area to reduce the pain and discomfort.
 • Witch hazel: apply about 3 times a day to reduce the bleeding and swelling.
 • Aloe Vera for its soothing effect.
 • Vitamin E oil can also bring pain relief.
 • Butcher's broom for its anti-inflammatory properties.
• Sitz baths: fill a small tub with hot water and sit for about 10-15 minutes at twice a day.
Essential oils such as lavender...

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