July 2022 is over
here are some things I'd like all members to know.
1. Members of infoazi.com
Starting August 1st I converted the site from a life time payment type to a monthly one. The price for a PRO account is now $5.00 per month. It's a low price, with a lot of benefits: free banners, free premium ads, bonus, random referrals and more. If you are a PRO member and get 2 PRO referrals, it's free for you, because the commission is 50%. Anything above2 referrals - that is profit for you.
Starting today, Infoazi accepts credit cards for payments (via Stripe). Also, payments to members will be made via Coinbase, BTC or other cryptocoin. I will also accept (and pay) invoices for commission.
Contest results
1. trafficg - won a 45% coupon on our store - valid until August 5th + 1 premium ad valid for 180 days;
2. arshadexcellent - won a 45% coupon on our store - valid until August 5th + 1 premium ad valid for 180 day;
...please read about our store at the end of this post.
3. worldstream & etelfort - both won 1 free text ad on our network of text ads - with 500 guaranteed visitors (the ad will be removed from our network when it gets 500 visitors) - please go here to add your text advertisement - use the same email address as the one used @infoazi.com.
Stats can be seen at any time at this address: https://infoazi.com/contest.php
All stats are 0 now, we start over for August. Congratulations to all winners! All others, good luck in August!
2. Members of 5x3
Contest results
1. TrafficG - won $5.00 + 3 banners with 10,000 views each;
2. basumitra - won $3.00 + 3 banners with 10,000 views each;
3. paulo55 - won $2.00 + 3 banners with 10,000 views each.
Prizes are already in winners accounts.
Stats can be seen at any time here: https://5x3.xyz/contest.php
Congratulations to all winners! All others, good luck in August!
3. All members
I just launched my e-store, located here.
Pay me a visit - use this coupon code for a 20% discount:
You may also want to register as an affiliate, to promote our store an get 30% commission on any sale. The perchentage will raise after some sales - you can go up to 60%!
Please let me know if you see something not working right, you'll get a reward.
Thank you all for a good July 2022! Hope August will be better for me and for you!
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